Thursday, February 25, 2010
Still no word on the No.3
Yesterday it was trying to get there but I get the feeling it didn't make it :(
I hope I am wrong.
Still.. we have 2 beautiful frosties waiting for us :)
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Day 3 to day 5...
So Monday comes and goes and we wait again. Day 4 over without any hick ups.
We have 2 frosties!!!! YAYYYYYYYY!!! We now have 2 placed in cryostorage. They lower their temperature to that of liquid nitrogen (-196°C). At this temperature, embryos can be stored until they are needed for later transfer. A tiny droplet of cryopreservant fluid containing an embryo holds to its vitrification hook.. how amazing!
Now..bring on the 6 month wait...
Friday, February 19, 2010
1, 2, 3 fertilised!!
"We have good news for you" she said. "All 3 fertilised overnight"!!! I was expecting maybe 1 would not but all 3 is amazing. She told me the odds of that were pretty slim...YAYYYYY AGAIN!
to this!
Another wait till day 3. Please grow little embies.. grow, grow, grow. Your daddy and I are so excited and hope we can meet you one day.
PS I had a Nephew born today. 4.1 kilos, 52cm and healthy.. no name yet. A gorgeous brother for Oliver. I am so happy for them... I just wish Sophie Cleo could play and laugh with them. I hope she is watching everything that is going on. xo SCR
Thursday, February 18, 2010
First collection
So 3 is a start and now we play the waiting game again. The first step is they need to fertilise overnight. From then if they get to day 3 we get a call letting us know their progress. If they continue to day 5 they freeze them. I am crossing everything that we get them over the goal line. Just one for now.. we are not greedy.. just want something to focus on!
We also talked about continuing with the drugs for the next cycle. May as well get as many as we can! I can start the whole thing as soon as I get my next period!
I am grateful I have such a wonderful and understanding husband.
Cross, cross, cross...
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
New cycle - Day 14
Got the call!!! At 2.15pm we are all set to go. 10pm tonight we 'trigger' and 9.30am Thursday we rock and roll!
New cycle - Day 13
Phone call at 2.45pm to say come in again tomorrow for more bloods and another ultrasound. ‘Be prepared for the trigger for tomorrow afternoon’!!
New cycle - Day 10
I expected to wait all day for the results but at 11.20am I got the call. The next step is to have another ultrasound on Monday, more bloods and see the progress. YAY!!
New cycle - Day 7
Some days I am prepared for failure after last time then other moments I am lost. Like right now. I could just cry for any reason. Here I sit at my work desk for all to see… public slaying of the freaked out chick out the front. I am sure everyone notices. I feel like they all do but maybe it’s all the hormones. I just feel shitty and sad and want to crawl into a hole. I want to go home and wish the next few days away without too much anxiety.
New cycle - Day 3
Second blood test and we wait again. I bruised yesterday so we had to do the other arm. At 1.10pm I got the phone call with the usual line “are you able to talk’ which generally sends me into complete fear like they are about to tell me something terrible! So tonight I start on Lucrin and the FHS Purgeon tomorrow. Back onto 2 jabs a day for a week. Tuesday I go back in for more bloods to see if we are on the right track. Oh I bloody well hope so!!
New cycle
Thursday 4th Feb - New cycle. Had a blood test today at IVF… wait all afternoon for the results. At 3.10pm Heather calls to tell me I need to come back tomorrow. My Estrogen levels are too high and the cycle would crash if we started the drugs today. WHAT??? I have my period how can they be too high? I asked why this happens and she said sometimes the hormone levels need time to respond to the cycle bleeding. I am going to know more about my body than I ever cared to know!
So I go in again tomorrow for the same test in the hope that my levels will go below 200 and we can start the drugs. The wait continues…