So it got the better of V yesterday and she went out and got this high tech fan dangled version of the 'pee on a stick' tests. This one reads hormone levels and actually tells you how far you are which is pretty impressive. The result was below and showed her at being around more than 5 weeks which is what she should be if all is well. It has given us both a little relief in this madness, but this afternoon's results will be the reality we have been waiting for. Sooooo nervous this day is taking forever!
Time lapse of a few hours...
Just got off the phone from V and all is looking good! What were we worried about!? hCG is at 1295 which brings it back into the 'normal' area. Keeping with the graph again this one shows we are still behind but as usual this is an average and we are all different! Bloods again on Thurs again to see the levels :))))))
PS.. this should have been posted yesterday but I forgot to publish :( Better late than never!!
Hello chicky, I thought I posted a comment yesterday, but obviously I didn't! That chart looks pretty bleak, but that's because it isn't correct! If you look at the green line, it starts on day 23 and goes up to day 28, when it should start on day 18 and go up to day 23 - when you put the levels in, you need to put 287 on day 18, and then 1295 120 hours later... When you do it that way it pretty much follows just below the 50th percentile line. Just to let you know before you attempt to produce another chart today, I am day 25 now :)